Inspiring Keynote & Workshops
Reset and Rejuvenate
Be Amazing: From Stressed to Joyful
Be inspired by stories, photos and realistic tools.
Recognize roadblocks that may be holding you back
Identify ways to claim your power
Discover choices you can make to positively impact your life
Pinpoint action steps to clear the way for joy

“Very inspirational helping me to reconsider resignation. Strong emphasis on getting my spirit back on track and realize that the issues I have at work are not necessary my own issues. That I need to do a better using tools that keep me true to myself and my purpose and passion. Will need time to process all the information provided. I absolutely loved this session because it really hit home and was a message I needed to hear!”
National Head Start Conference 2023
Inspired Leadership
Erin brings her decades of experience developing and leading high functioning, joyous teams to inspire leaders of all levels to use the six guideposts in her book Inspired Work. They are clarity of purpose, heightened self-awareness, affinity for action, put people first, vibrant energy, and make room for possibilities. All of which are connected to leadership tools and strategies.
Audience and Purpose: This experience is great for a keynote, organizational development and one on one coaching.

Erin is available virtually or in person.
Book signings are always fun, too!